Is Sparks an AI tool?

Sparks is a set of extended AI features that not only help with editing and enhancing longer text, but that also provide instant ideas for brainstorming and all kinds of creative experimenting, both for editing and continuing writing.

When you use Sparks, it creates AI generated text suggestions you can use to improve or continue your writing. You have the option to copy and paste the suggestion into your writing, or you can use it as a way to generate inspiration.

I have concerns about using generative AI tools

We understand our user’s scepticism and hesitancy regarding AI generative text tools. Most of us at ProWritingAid are writers, and thus we understand first-hand how important the creative process is and making sure that the AI we provide does not replace or undermine the overall message, tone, or style of our user’s work.

Many of the writers who tested Sparks during the beta phase said they loved using the suggestion for inspiration and to make their editing process easier rather than relying on Sparks to rewrite their content.

Most writers use the “Copy” button to paste the Sparks suggestion into their document and then work on editing their original sentences with parts of the suggestion from Sparks.

It’s still your writing, in your own style, and it’s a great way to make editing more fun. Ultimately, if and how you use the suggestions is up to you.

If you’re still unsure, it’s worth knowing that we do not store or sell any of our user's data, nor do we train any of our algorithms (AI) using our user’s work or writing, and all of our users have the ability to disable any AI generative features they may not want to use. You can read all about our privacy policy here.

We also have a helpful guide on how ProWritingAid analyses your text in our Trust Center.

What if my publisher asks whether I have used AI in my writing?

This is a great question, and certainly something we are keeping up with in the publishing industry. It’s good to check with your preferred publisher about whether they would accept AI assisted or AI generated text in your writing before you start using the tools.

It is up to you to verify your content adheres to all content guidelines for the publisher you want to submit your work to.

Each publishing platform is likely to have different requirements for whether you disclose any AI generated or AI assisted content. We can use Kindle Direct Publishing as an example.

This is what Amazon says on their website:

You can find that here:

Using these guidelines from Amazon, it would appear Amazon would class writing edited using ProWritingAid as AI-assisted content.

The majority of ProWritingAid features are designed to edit your writing, they do not generate content. You have to write the content before you can use ProWritingAid to edit it. Even our Sparks features require you to write some content yourself before you can use the functions to edit your writing.

However, Sparks features generate potential content you can use, but you could instead use it as a way to spark your imagination and simply generate ideas on how to continue your writing. You do not need to copy the text into your writing if you don’t want to.

Also, if you want to turn off Sparks to ensure you’re not using AI generated text, you can do that in the integration settings.

If you have any questions about Sparks that we haven’t already answered, please get in touch with us at, and we’ll be happy to help you!