How many Sparks can I get?

The amount of Sparks you get each day is determined by the ProWritingAid plan you have.

Here’s the breakdown of Sparks for each plan type:

Free Premium Premium Pro
3 Sparks per day 5 Sparks per day 50 Sparks per day

If you love Sparks, and you find yourself running out each day, you can upgrade to the next plan within your account.

How are the Number of Sparks per day Counted?

We count 1 Spark per prompt: every time you click on one Edit or Continue type to generate a Sparks suggestion, or when you click on Try again, we count one Spark.

How do I know how many Sparks I have left?

Every time you use Sparks, you will see how many of your total daily Sparks you have left in the orange bottom bar of the Sparks pop up. Once you hit your limit for the day, you will not see any more Sparks results.

When do the Sparks limits reset?

Your Sparks allowance resets every day at 00:00 UTC.

How Can I Get Unlimited Sparks?

We do not have a plan that includes unlimited Sparks at the moment. However, if you use Sparks a lot, we would recommend upgrading to our Premium Pro plan, which includes 50 Sparks per day. During our beta testing, we found this met the demands of the majority of users.

If you have any questions about Sparks that we haven’t already answered, please get in touch with us at, and we’ll be happy to help you!