Does ProWritingAid have a word limit?
ProWritingAid works best in documents that contain fewer than 10,000 words. We cannot guarantee that everything will work smoothly on documents larger than that.
If you use our Desktop Editor or Word Add-In, we suggest that you edit each chapter that you write in a separate document to ensure that your documents are below that word count. In our Web Editor, you can split your documents into chapters when you include a heading at the beginning of each chapter.
Splitting your works into separate files (or chapters) will help ProWritingAid work faster and more effectively, and you will avoid becoming overwhelmed with suggestions.
Additional Limits
- Rephrase can suggest alternative wording for one sentence at a time.
- Sparks can suggest edits or expand your text for any text you highlight of up to 2,500 characters.
- You can use one Plagiarism Check credit to check a maximum of 2,000 words. However, you can use more than one credit when checking longer documents.
- Our Thesaurus Check can run on sections of up to 2,000 words at a time.
- Our Critique and Inspiration Reports can currently analyze up to 4,000 words at a time.