How to use the Thesaurus Check

With the thesaurus report, you can quickly scan through your document and select from relevant suggested replacements.

We've color-coded the words in the report so that verbs, adjectives, nouns, and adverbs are highlighted in different colors. This will allow you to easily concentrate on a specific class of word as you go through the report.

Unlike most thesaurus suggestions, our report offers replacement words that fit within that context of that sentence.

The Thesaurus Report is designed to run on smaller pieces so it will only run on the first few thousand words. Any more and it would take too long to run (and the amount of time for you to go through it would be overwhelming).

To work around this, you can highlight the specific parts of the text that you would like to run the thesaurus check on.

Once you have run the Thesaurus Report on your document, hover your mouse cursor over any of the underlined words to see the 'Suggest Rephrases' button. Like this:

Click that button to see the synonym suggestions for that word. For example:

Once you select your preferred option, it will be added to your text and you can continue editing.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to see synonyms rather than contextual rephrasing suggestions, you can double click on a word. Doing so will prompt the Word Explorer to pop up:

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