What is the difference between Free and Premium?

There are many differences between what you can do with ProWritingAid as a free or Premium user!

Free Users

Free users can make use of our Web Editor for documents up to 500 words. The Web Editor is available on our website, accessible by clicking the "use app" button while logged in. All reports (except our plagiarism report) are able to be taken advantage of as a free user. 

Premium Users

Premium users are able to unlock the full potential of ProWritingAid! Below is a list of some of the different features Premium users enjoy.

1) No Word Limits

You're no longer limited to 500 words! Premium users are able to run reports on their full documents. However, it is worth knowing that ProWritingAid works best when looking at fewer than 10,000 words at a time. This is because we have numerous high-powered reports which must contact our servers to function. Many customers break their documents up by chapter to get under that word count and to avoid becoming overwhelmed with suggestions.

2) More Integrations

Instead of only having access to the Web Editor, Premium users can use any of our other integrations as well. ProWritingAid integrates with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Scrivener through our Desktop Editor, as well as Chrome/Safari/Edge/Firefox, so you can edit wherever you write without losing your formatting (or your precious time). 

3) Mac and Windows Support

With the ProWritingAid Desktop Editor, as well as our Word Add-In, Mac users don't need to feel left out. We've worked hard to make sure that our editor is just as accessible for Mac users as it is for Windows users. (Be sure that you're selecting "install/download for Mac instead" when you download.)

4) Open Directories

Do you find yourself jumping back and forth between chapters or from post to post? Premium users can use our Desktop Editor to access multiple documents at the same time by opening whole folders as a directory.

Purchase ProWritingAid here: https://prowritingaid.com/en/App/Purchase

Learn more with our useful Getting Started with ProWritingAid article: https://prowritingaid.com/art/864/getting-started-with-prowritingaid.aspx

Have more questions on the differences between free and Premium? Reach out to our support team at: hello@prowritingaid.com