What type of feedback does Manuscript Analysis provide?
When you run Manuscript Analysis, we analyze your text and provide you with bespoke comprehensive and actionable feedback that you can use to improve your writing.
We read your text in a similar fashion to a developmental editor, and provide specific feedback on the key elements of storytelling for your manuscript, such as:
- Strengths: What you’re doing well in your writing.
- Competitive Landscape: What type of readers your manuscript attracts.
- Narrative Themes: How well the themes and messages of your story are portrayed.
- Plot and Structure: How effective your plot and structure are, including pacing, foreshadowing, inconsistencies, repetitive storytelling devices, subplots, and more.
- Characters: How well your characters are developed, including voice, perspective, backstory, growth/arc, and more.
- Setting: How engaging the setting is and what you can do to make your story more immersive.
Manuscript Analysis provides four categories of feedback: ‘Working well’ (in green), ‘Minor concern’ (in yellow), ‘Concern’ (in orange), and ‘Major concern’ (in red). Each set of feedback will provide chapter-specific insights so you always know exactly where in your manuscript you’re doing well or where your text needs improving.
When Manuscript Analysis flags a category as a ‘Minor concern’ or ‘Concern’, the report will provide a suggestion on how you could improve that element of the story based on the feedback you received.
You can hover over the ⓘ button to find more context about the suggestions provided and why they matter, which will help make decisions that will elevate your writing.
The response the Manuscript Analysis gives may not always be exactly what a human developmental editor or beta reader would give. Just like our Chapter Critique, Manuscript Analysis is not designed to be a replacement for a human developmental editor or beta reader.
You can find out more about the differences between our Chapter Critique and Manuscript Analysis in our Chapter Critique vs Manuscript Analysis article.
Your writing is sacred. That’s why we never use your text to train any AI or other algorithms. Learn more.