Is Manuscript Analysis included in paid subscriptions?

Manuscript Analysis is currently available to a small percentage of users.

If you don’t see the feature yet, don’t worry—we’re rolling it out to all users in the coming days.

Manuscript Analysis is a specialized tool designed to provide on-demand, in-depth feedback on a full manuscript of up to 150,000 words.

Because of the advanced processing it requires, Manuscript Analysis is offered as an add-on instead of being included in our subscription plans. This ensures that every user, regardless of their plan, has access to expert-level manuscript analysis without increasing our subscription costs.

Manuscript Analysis provides affordable and instant feedback on your writing as well as guidance whenever you need it. Running the Manuscript Analysis will help you address major issues in your story before sharing it with your editor and beta readers, maximizing the value you get from every round of feedback.

All users can purchase credits for Manuscript Analysis in bundles of 1, 3, or 10 credits.

Users with paid licenses receive special discounts on our standard rates.

Manuscript Analysis credits are nonrefundable, but they don’t expire. You can purchase a bundle and use your credits when you prefer.

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