Is my writing safe if I use the Critique Report?

Yes, when you use the Critique Report, your writing is safe because we do not share your writing with third parties or use it to train the AI that generates the report.

We understand our user’s scepticism and hesitancy regarding AI text tools. Most of us at ProWritingAid are writers, and thus we understand first-hand how important the creative process is and making sure that the AI we provide does not replace or undermine the overall message, tone, or style of our user’s work.

Critique Report is designed to give you a comprehensive developmental critique of your writing, and you can use the feedback as you wish.

No matter what changes you decide to make or not, it’s still your writing, in your own style, and it’s a great way to make editing more fun. Ultimately, if and how you use the suggestions is up to you.

If you have concerns about how our AI processes your text to provide the reports and suggestions you see, check out our Trust Center and our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about the Critique Report that we haven’t already answered, please get in touch with us at, and we’ll be happy to help you!