Can I download and save my Critique Report?

Yes, you can download and save your Critique Reports after generating them. If you want to be able to view a previously generated Critique report, you will need to save the report as a PDF. Each time you click on the Critique Report button, it generates a completely new result.

Currently, there is no way to save your reports within ProWritingAid without turning them into a PDF copy as detailed below.

How to save/download a copy of my Critique in the Web Editor?

Here are the steps to download your Critique Report to your computer from the Web Editor:

  1. When you run the Critique Report, you’ll see a “Print” button at the top of the window that pop’s up:

  1. Click on the “Print” button and it will open a PDF version of the report with the options for printing or saving as a PDF.
  2. If you’re using a Chrome browser, you can click on the “Save as PDF” option and then click on the “Print” button highlighted below:

This is similar to other web browsers such as Edge, Firefox, and Safari.

4, That will bring up your file manager pop-up, where you can rename the file and choose where you want to save it on your computer.

How to save/download a copy of my Critique in the Word Add-in for Windows?

Here are the steps to download your Critique Report to your computer from the Word Add-in for Windows:

  1. When you run the Critique Report, you’ll see a “Print” button at the top of the window that pop’s up:

  1. Click on the “Print” button and it will open a PDF version of the report with the options for printing or saving as a PDF.
  2. You can click on the “Save as PDF” option and then click on the “Save” button highlighted below:

  1. That will bring up your file manager pop-up, where you can rename the file and choose where you want to save it on your computer.

Can I save different versions of the critique?

Each time you run the Critique Report, you’ll have the print button there, so you can download and save each version you generate of the report.

This way you can compare the critique version you generated before you started editing to the critique you generated after you had completed some editing.

If you have any questions about the Critique Report that we haven’t already answered, please get in touch with us at, and we’ll be happy to help you!