How do I save my Manuscript Analysis?

Every time you run the Manuscript Analysis, we will automatically save the report generated to your Feedback History, so that you can come back to it as you develop your story and apply the findings to your writing.

We synchronize your saved feedback reports across all our integrations. This means that you can review your past Manuscript Analysis results on the go from our Web Editor, regardless of where you’re editing that specific document.

You can rename the reports generated to make finding the one you’re looking for easier. You can also print or save your past Manuscript Analysis results as PDF files, if you want to annotate them or share them with someone else.

Where to find your saved Manuscript Analysis

To review the Manuscript Analysis reports that we have previously generated for you:

  1. Click Critique.
    • If you use our Web Editor, you’ll find this button on the menu bar.

    • If you use Desktop Everywhere or our Chrome extension, you’ll find it as a button after clicking the ProWritingAid icon.
    • If you use our Word Add-in for Windows, you’ll find the Get Critique button in the menu bar next to the Realtime and Run Report options, or after clicking the ProWritingAid tab in the ribbon.

  2. Then, go to the Feedback History section, where you’ll find all the Manuscript Analysis reports we’ve generated for you in chronological order.

How to download or print your Manuscript Analysis

If you want to download any of your past Manuscript Analysis results as a PDF file, or if you prefer to print them, follow the steps below:

  1. When you run a new Manuscript Analysis or open a saved report, you’ll see a Print button at the top of the pop up window:

    Click on the Print button. Depending on the integration you use, it will show you different options:

    • On Desktop Everywhere or Word Add-in for Windows, you’ll see a printable version of the report with the options for printing or saving as a PDF file.

    • On Desktop Everywhere for Mac, you’ll see the system’s Print menu, from where you can print the document or save it as a PDF file:

    • On our Chrome extension, you will see Chrome’s Print menu. In the Destination drop-down menu you can choose the printer you want to use, or if you prefer to save the report as a PDF file.

  2. Then, click Save. You will then be able to rename the report and choose where to save it in your computer.

    The options you see in our Firefox and Edge extensions are similar, but the interface will vary slightly across different browsers.

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