Preparing your manuscript for Manuscript Analysis
This guide will help you prepare your manuscript to get the best results when you run the Manuscript Analysis. Following the steps below is important to ensure Manuscript Analysis runs on your entire manuscript.
Once you have done so, check this article that explains how to run Manuscript Analysis on your document.
Preparing your manuscript for best results
Run Manuscript Analysis on a single document
If you’re running Manuscript Analysis on your full manuscript, you’ll need to first ensure that your manuscript is on a single file. This is particularly important if you use our Web Editor or Scrivener.
If you have split the chapters of your manuscript across multiple documents (or subdocuments, if you’re using our Web Editor or Scrivener), consolidate your manuscript in a single document before running Manuscript Analysis.
Check your manuscript’s word count
We recommend writing at least 4,000 words to ensure you get a meaningful amount of feedback on your writing.
Manuscript Analysis works with documents of up to 300,000 words. If your story is over 300,000 words, the Manuscript Analysis may still run on your text but might not give optimal results.
Separate your chapters clearly
You’ll get the best results if you number your chapter titles (for example: “Chapter 4”). If you don’t number your chapter titles, we recommend that you don’t use headings for individual scenes or subsections, as these can be mistaken for chapters.
Finally, ensure that the chapter heading is on a new line, and leave a blank line right before it.
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