Why won't ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere open?
ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere was designed to work directly in your favorite writing apps installed on your computer. This means it won’t open as a separate app like our other integrations.
Once ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere has been successfully installed on your computer, it will automatically appear within compatible programs. You can find more information about this here.
Similar to our Chrome extension, ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere will appear as a floating icon where you can access all ProWritingAid Reports and features.
If you use ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere for Windows, our Word Add-In for Windows will download alongside it. This means, when in Word, you will see our Word Add-In. In all other compatible programs, ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere will appear as a floating icon in your documents.
If you use ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere for Mac, it will appear as a floating icon in your documents for all compatible programs, including Word.
The color and shape of the icon will signify whether your document has suggestions available for you.
If the ProWritingAid Desktop Everywhere icon does not appear in your preferred program, or you need further support, you can get in touch.
You can find out how best to get support here.
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