How can I contact support?
If you need help with ProWritingAid, or if you have billing questions or questions about our integrations, you can get in touch.
Once we receive your query, someone in our team will get in touch within two business days or less.
Occasionally, when we receive many requests, you may need to wait longer than usual. If we have sent you an automated email confirming that we received your initial query, you don’t need to email us again. Someone in our team will get in touch as soon as possible.
What to Include
Whenever possible, contact us from the email linked to your ProWritingAid account. If you don’t have access to it or aren’t sure what email you used, include any possible emails used in the body of your message.
So that we can investigate any issues you’re having, please always include as much context as possible. Doing so helps us understand the issue better and fix it faster.
You should include:
- Screenshots or screen recordings of the issue you’re having or of what you’re seeing. You can use Loom to record your screen
- What operating system you use: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.
- What ProWritingAid integration(s) you’re using when you experience the issue: Desktop Everywhere, Web Editor, browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge), Word add-in, or Desktop Editor
- Any additional details that you think may help us with the investigation
Code of Conduct
Please be respectful.
We understand it can be frustrating to experience issues, particularly if you have deadlines to meet. However, we have a zero tolerance policy for rudeness and verbal aggression toward our team. This includes swearing, aggressive language, making unfair accusations, and other types of abuse.
We won’t tolerate rudeness and verbal aggression toward our team. We reserve the right to stop providing support to anyone who treats our team with disrespect.
Our Pledge
In exchange, we promise to always:
- Be kind, patient, and understanding
- Take your queries seriously
- Help you resolve any issues or answer your questions as best we can. When we cannot solve your problem, we aim to provide you with an alternative and to give you appropriate context
Suggesting Improvements
If you want to suggest a new feature or an improvement to an existing one, you can share your ideas in the dedicated space in our community. You can also vote for improvement ideas suggested by other community members.
ProWritingAid is more than just an editing assistant: we’re here to help you bring your story to life. Unlock your story’s full potential with our in-depth writing reports, actionable feedback, and more.