Why Can’t I See ProWritingAid Suggestions with the Chrome Extension?
Not seeing ProWritingAid suggestions when using our Chrome Extension can happen for different reasons. Below, you will find information on fixes for potential installation issues you could experience.
We recommend that you follow all these steps in order before contacting us.
The ProWritingAid Chrome Extension is not showing in websites or web pages
The Chrome Extension may not show for certain websites if there are compatibility issues. It’s not designed to work on nonwriting websites, like Google Search.
You can find more information about which websites are compatible with the Chrome Extension here.
Check that your browser and the Chrome Extension are up to date
Having the most up-to-date version of Chrome is the best way to make sure our Chrome Extension works correctly. Please make sure you have the latest updates available for your Chrome browser by following the steps listed here.
You will also need to have an up-to-date version of the Chrome Extension. You can check which version you have installed using the below steps.
Click on the extension icon in the Chrome bar. Then, press the three dots next to ProWritingAid.
Select the Manage extension option.
A new tab will open, where you will find your extension version.
- Compare your version to the one available in the Chrome store. You can scroll down to the Details section to see the most up-to-date version.
Check that third-party cookies are enabled
You will need to make sure you have third-party cookies enabled. To do this, you can follow these steps:
Go to your Chrome Settings:
- Select Privacy and security, which you can find on the right-hand side. Then click Third-party cookies.
Make sure you have the Allow third-party cookies option checked.
Uninstall and reinstall
You can also try uninstalling then reinstalling our Chrome Extension here.
If you are unsure of how to uninstall the Chrome Extension, you can find information to help you below.
Click on the extension icon in the Chrome bar. Then, press the three dots next to ProWritingAid.
Select Remove from Chrome.
This will uninstall the extension.
If you need further support, you can get in touch. You can find out how best to get support here.
ProWritingAid is more than just an editing assistant; we’re here to help you bring your story to life. Unlock your story’s full potential with our in-depth writing reports, actionable feedback, and more.