How to use the Grammar Check

The Grammar Report uses advanced artificial-intelligence to catch grammar and spelling issues.

You can access the Grammar report via the navigation toolbar in the Web Editor, desk top app, Word add-in, or Google Docs integration.

Simply click on the Grammar icon in the reports tab to generate results. After you run the report, a box will pop up on the left-hand side (or right-hand side if you're using the Word-Add in) with a list of every writing issue ProWritingAid has identified in your document. ProWritingAid categorizes these writing issues as either spelling or grammar related.

There is a number next to each mistake to tell you how many times that same error appears. Once you have hovered over the issues for more information, you can quickly resolve them from the list.

Each issue will also be highlighted in your document according to color coded underlines—blue for grammar and red for spelling.

Sometimes, you’ll notice an additional button in the pop-up boxes for both spelling and grammar errors. In the right-hand corner of the box, there might be an blue circle with an i in it. Clicking this button will give you more information about the rule that was broken.

Spelling Issues

Spelling issues will be underlined in red. Once you click on an underlined word, you'll see a list of suggestions for potential alternatives that ProWritingAid thinks you might mean instead. Sometimes, there may only be one suggestion, or sometimes there will be several.

Review these suggestions and choose the one that suits your writing the best. This will automatically replace the word in your document. If the correct word isn’t there, you can manually change the word in the text.

Sometimes ProWritingAid may highlight a word that is spelt correctly because it doesn't recognize it. This may be because the word is uncommon, or it's a word you made up for your own use, like a character's name. If this is the case, you can click “Add to Dictionary” below the suggestions to add the word to your personal ProWritingAid dictionary. This will mean it is no longer flagged as an error.

If you don’t want to add the word to your dictionary but you also don't need it to show up as an error, you can hit "Ignore" to ignore it in that one instance.

Grammar Issues

Grammar issues will be underlined in blue. These could be related to sentence composition, missing punctuation or even a misused word.

The first line of the pop-up box will give you a succinct explanation of the broken grammar rule. Below that explanation, you'll find suggestions on how to fix it.

Click on the suggestion to automatically change the text. If the correct suggestion isn’t present, you can manually fix the error.

What if I don't like the suggestions?

ProWritingAid will always give you full control over which suggestions you want to implement and those you don't. There is always the option the ignore a suggestion by clicking the "Ignore" button below the suggestions.

You'll also see the a "Disable Rule".Disabling the rule will stop ProWritingAid from checking for that particular grammatical rule in relation to the exact word pattern in your document in any of your current and future documents.

We're also learning every day and welcome all feedback to improve your documents. If you believe that a suggestion is incorrect, click the "Report Incorrect" button next to the "Ignore" button. A prompt box will appear, allowing you to leave a detailed comment and to send your feedback directly to the ProWritingAid technical team.