How can I disable the Chrome extension on specific websites?

Our Chrome extension gives you the flexibility to access our reports and features from any compatible website, but we understand that you may not always want to use ProWritingAid with specific websites.

Below you’ll find the steps to disable ProWritingAid temporarily or permanently on specific websites, as well as how to disable ProWritingAid in all websites by default.

To temporarily disable ProWritingAid on a specific website:

If you want to write undistracted, simply click on the “eye” icon in the ProWritingAid Menu icon. All underlines and suggestions will disappear. To bring them back, just click on the “closed eye” icon.

You can also click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the ProWritingAid Menu icon, and then click ‘Disable until next visit’. The Chrome extension will stop showing you suggestions until the next time you visit the website.

To permanently disable ProWritingAid on a specific website:

If you wish to permanently disable ProWritingAid in specific websites, you can click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the ProWritingAid Menu icon, and then click ‘Disable on this website’.

The Chrome extension will remember this and will not show you suggestions on the websites where you disable it.

To turn ProWritingAid back on, you can click on the ProWritingAid icon in Chrome’s top toolbar.

You will then be able to enable checking for the current website you’re in:

To disable ProWritingAid on all websites by default:

If you wish to disable ProWritingAid in all websites by default and only enable it on specific websites, click on the ProWritingAid icon in Chrome’s top toolbar.

You will then be able to disable checking by default on all websites:

The Chrome extension will remember these settings.

However, if you want to turn ProWritingAid back on for specific websites, when you’re on those websites, click on the ProWritingAid icon in Chrome’s top toolbar and enable Checking on those websites.

You can follow the same steps if you want to enable Checking as default again on all websites.

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