What File Types Are Compatible With ProWritingAid?

ProWritingAid is compatible with many of your favorite writing apps. You can edit your texts directly in our Web Editor or use our integrations to access all features directly in your favorite writing apps and websites.

ProWritingAid Integration Supported Formats
Web Editor

Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)

Text (.txt, .text)

HTML (.htm, .html)

Markdown (.markdown, .md, .mdown, .mdtext, .mdtxt, .mdwn, .mkd, .mkdn)

Rich Text Format (.rtf)

Desktop Everywhere Compatible with formats supported by compatible apps.
Browser Extensions (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge) Compatible with formats supported by compatible websites.
Microsoft Word Add-In

Compatible with all formats supported by:

Microsoft Office for Windows 2016 and 2019.

Microsoft 365 for Mac and Microsoft Office for Mac 2019.

Desktop Editor

Scrivener (.scrivx, .scriv)

Microsoft Word (.docx)

Text (.txt, .text)

HTML (.htm, .html)

Markdown (.markdown, .md, .mdown, .mdtext, .mdtxt, .mdwn, .mkd, .mkdn)

Rich Text Format (.rtf)

OpenOffice (.odt)

Final Draft (.fdx)

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