What are ‘ignore’ and ‘disable rule’ for?

Our 'Ignore' and 'Disable Rule' options allow you to remove suggestions you feel are not right for the context or style of your document.

Our ProWritingAid software does its best to highlight potential issues based on structure and common word use. However, we completely understand that not all the suggestions made will be right for the context or style of your writing.

You can find our 'Ignore' and 'Disable Rule' options by hovering over a highlighted suggestion like this:

Pressing 'Ignore' on a suggestion disables highlights for the current context in the document. Consider it as a flag that shows us we mistakenly suggested an alteration. Whereas selecting 'Disable Rule' will disable the relevant rule for the current document and all documents in the future.

We're currently working on a new UI to allow users to change rules' states. In the meantime, if you need a rule to be re-enabled for you, please contact our support team by emailing hello@prowritingaid.com and we will be happy to help!

Purchase ProWritingAid here: **https://prowritingaid.com/en/App/Purchase**

For more information about our features and reports, please follow this link: Features

Learn more with our useful Getting Started with ProWritingAid article: **https://prowritingaid.com/art/864/getting-started-with-prowritingaid.aspx**

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